Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Two pounds

I was at 152.4 this morning, a full two pounds down from last week! Just proves that no bad deed goes unrewarded, huh? Not only did I overindulge at the Ren Fest this weekend, but yesterday I broke down and got spice drops at Wal Mart and I have no willpower whatsoever with these things. I think I ate close to three servings of them. OTOH, as I reported yesterday, I was super-careful with my intake and exercise all week in anticipation of overindulging, so that proves what I said before--it's overall behavior that counts and not a couple of instances of gumdrop gluttony.

I was at my benefits orientation this morning and found out that the college allows for longer lunchtimes three days a week if you participate in their wellness program--either to take one of their classes or to exercise on your own. You can even earn prizes for participation. Pretty cool!

Yesterday, except for the gumdrops, I ate well--cereal for breakfast, yogurt, pretzels, and cherry tomatoes for lunch, almonds and string cheese for snack, and pasta with ham and peas for dinner (o.k., THAT wasn't low-fat as it had a sauce made with butter and milk, but I kept my portion small). I didn't get to exercise at night (Dierdre called about the Ren Fest and we ended up talking all the way through my usual exercise time) but I walked for a half an hour at lunchtime.

I'm getting in the habit of not eating at work functions--the orientation this morning had bagels, of course, and I wasn't even tempted. Last week there were leftover sandwiches from some meeting--which I would have scarfed down a few months ago--and again it didn't even cross my mind to get one. So mentally I'm sticking with this pretty easily.

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