Today's weight: 151 even. The scale flashed on 150.8 for a second, but settled on 151. I was hoping for better (dammit, I ran FIVE times last week AND did pilates four times (maybe five? Can't remember) and kept my calorie intake reasonable most days) but I guess I can't complain about a 1.4 pound drop from last week. At least I'm headed in the right direction.
The treadmill yesterday nearly killed me. I didn't have any problems last week, but yesterday my calves and shins started aching five minutes into the workout and didn't stop. Running rather than walking helped, but then my thighs started aching. I think that taking no break after Sunday's run was overdoing it a bit. Next Monday I might try one of the bicycles or elliptical trainers instead, just to be doing a different movement. I did the pilates abs workout in the evening.
Food was the same as usual: cereal and coffee for breakfast, almonds for snack, cottage cheese and pears with pretzles for lunch, grapes and one cracker for snack, half of a chicken pot pie for dinner (Claire's daycare woman mentioned that she had made a pot pie for dinner, which got me craving some, but my frozen pot pies are 640 calories, so I only ate half) and spinach salad. Milk or water to drink. I haven't been calorie counting quite so religiously as I did at the start, but my internet was back up again last night (yay!!!!!) so I entered all of this--it came out to just under 1300 calories.
I don't think I have any pitfalls to avoid this week--no special trips with food involved, no parties to attend, no business lunches. Oh, I take that back--Claire's Brownie induction is on Thursday and I know they are making sugar cookies for that, but they aren't a big temptation for me. BTW, you all are invited and I'd love it if someone could attend--Brian has to work and I won't be able to get many pictures if I'm the only one there to corral Connor. It's at 6:00 on Thursday and she'll wear her beanie.
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