Friday, October 28, 2005


I haven't managed to get out for a walk for several days! We have been making daily midday trips to Manor Care to see Kirsten, and by the time we get home we are cold and tired. On the exercise front, Dick and I went out to Maple Lawn Farms in Fawn Grove, PA and picked tow bushels of apples, so that counted as some exercise. I walked back and forth to the car from the far end of the grove three times, carring a half bushel of apples each time, and made one more run to go back to pick up the apple picker. Dick did most of the picking with the picker while I carried the basket and picked what was within reach. Then this evening we went to County Home Park to watch the first half of EJ's football game. That also involved some walking up and down the field, and shivering! Dick got so cold we left at the half.

I have been eating sensible breakfasts and lunches, but yesterday I made a large turkey pie with turkey, gravy, carrots, potatoes and mushrooms for dinner that we had again tonight. Furthermore this morning I made a batch of cookies from refrigerated, purchased cookie dough and managed to eat four of them over the course of the day--shame on me! To compound the felony we had hot chocolate when we came home from the game. I also made a batch of applesauce this morning and had some of that with dinner. I only used one cup of sugar in the batch, but it wasn't a very big batch!

This morning I was up a half pound to 147, and I hate to think what tomorrow will be!

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