Sunday, September 11, 2005

In the beginning...

OK - so I am not sure how it happened, something about time passing, gravity, and way too many sweet cravings that I didn't resist, but I got fat Not curvy, not soft, not plump - in fact I think I was always those things - I took those things one step further and got plain old fat. Fat, where my knees creak, I get out of breath on the stairs and I can't find clothes that both fit and suit my youthful (hee hee) inclinations.

Luckily - I am not alone in this. It seems you all ALSO decided to follow my dubious lead and give into cravings for Coldstone icecream, cheese on everything. Well, now that we have all admitted to each other how heavy we all are (at least I am the only one that officially qualifies as obese on the BMI scale) I hope this will help us get ourselves back in line and actually STICK to our healthy eating plans.

I am the only one that has a real - difficult to achive - you see pictures in magazines - "I lost this much on the new ice cream diet" - goal (55.4 pounds) - I hope once you all drop your weigh you will continue on with me down the long road to skinny(ish).

I hope we will use this blog to post our daily food intake, our mini goals met, our exercise and other stuff. I also think we should set challenges for each other. We do it when we are scrapbooking - and it works for the most part. We can challenge each other to healthy eating/weight loss goals too.

My first challenge is this - try to visit this blog everyday. You don't have to post every day - but read what is new - if anything.

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