I went for a 17-mile run on Saturday, which I'm pretty sure you all already know. My feet complained a bit but not outrageously, and at 8.5 miles (the turn-around point) they were no worse than at 2 miles. I don't remember how they were doing after that, though, because I started hitting my wall at about 11 miles, when I still had an hour to go. Ugh. This is what comes of running (1) the day after travel, (2) the day after a dinner out, which involved both alcohol and dessert, and (3) after two weeks of very little exercise. It was terrible. The last 6 miles seemed like forever. Fortunately my brain was also pretty non-functional (you hear about people saying they have no memory of the last quarter of their marathon, and now I get that) so it could have seemed like much longer, I suppose. I think I must have looked a lot like Ken Clean-Air System when he's out running. Good thing there were no cars in my way.
Anyway. I did make it back, and my feet exploded the minute I sat down (so I was unlacing my shoes as I drove -- not good, especially considering that my brain wasn't fully engaged yet) but the blister on my left foot was only a little larger, and back to where it was as of today. My right foot was, surprisingly, improved when I took the bandage off. So the only significant pain I had to deal with after the run was the normal muscle soreness of running, and that was much better as of today as well. And I was dehydrated and under-nourished -- Sarah gave me exercise food to eat but I forgot to keep at it (only a small particle of brain remaining, remember) and I drank at my usual rate but I was apparently losing liquid at a greater rate. Amy fed me ice-pops later that day. They were amazing. They should have freezers-full of those at the end of races.
Today I went back out to the trail with Daniel (and Dad, who walked) and we ran 4 miles. I did not wear my arch supports, though I wore another pair of socks that have some arch reinforcement (like Sarah's Injinjis, which I borrowed Saturday, but without the toes). Afterwards my feet felt FINE. I'm down to no band-aids and I can walk like a normal human being, except for my achilles tendon, which is still unhappy and might remain so for the next three months. I have only the normal soreness of a medium-small run, and I should be able to stay on track for the next three weeks, before my 20-mile run on August 7.
I can't WAIT until this is done. Ugh.
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