My 1:00 meeting ran late, so I didn't get out to go to the gym until about 3:30. As much as I hate it, I planned to use the treadmill since it's a billion degrees in the shade. So I got over there, got changed, was getting ready to put my bag in my locker....and the power went out.
So no treadmill. They let the people stay in the pool, though--I should have planned a swimming day!
But I've had two days off in a row and was all dressed to exercise and prepared to be miserable, so I decided to just go walk around the track until I couldn't stand it anymore. Turns out I couldn't even stand it before I made it all the way to the track. 20 feet out the door I decided that walking around on a flat, baking, shade free surface was not something I wanted to do, so I switched plans and decided to just walk my normal running route. Two minutes into that I decided I didn't really need to walk the whole way (it was, after all, getting close to 4:00) so I decided to run the downhills and walk the uphills and run/walk the flats. So that's what I did for the next 40 minutes. Did I mention that I also forgot my chest strap for my heart rate monitor? I had no real way of knowing how I was doing, so I erred on the side of caution and never let my heart rate really get up. I figured I was fine--I had water with me, it was only a little over 3.5 miles, and the route passes a hospital at the end! And I was fine, although I can't stop sweating now. I just checked the NOAA website and found out that the last reading for Columbia, taken just before 4:00, had the temperature at 105 degrees. It's probably good I didn't know that before I went out.
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