Tuesday, June 08, 2010


So much for losing three pounds yesterday. I was 147.6 today. And I never got out for a run yesterday--Connor had a doctor's appointment in the afternoon and with no car, Brian couldn't take him so I had to leave early to get him to the doctor, which meant no lunch break so no exercise.

Today is just as much of a loss already. I spent the morning trying to get my SIL a rental car--taking her to the credit union where her company was supposed to have sent a travel advance and then to the car rental place, but there was no advance there for her so I took her back home (where she's waiting for the company's finance office to open at 11:00 a.m. our time - they are in Nevada) until they work that out, so I was an hour late for work, then I have to leave at 11:30 to get home for a meeting with the autism waiver people. I hope that coincides with Maureen getting the travel advance so we can get her on her way. And tonight is the last G.S. service unit meeting, so my whole day is shot.

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