Friday, June 25, 2010

Connor and me

I think Connor and I have the same sleeping problem. Again last night, in spite of the fact that I was TERRIBLY tired, I only got about four hours of sleep. I spent about six hours in bed, but first I couldn't FALL asleep, and then I couldn't stay asleep. I woke up around six am and fell back to sleep and then was dreaming that I had gotten up and was starting to get ready, but I was wishing I had hit the snooze button - I went back to bed and was trying to figure out how to snooze it at that point when my alarm went off for real. So for real I DID hit the snooze (only, I couldn't find it...) and slept another 7 minutes. I am so sleepy!!

The floor guys came today and put in Katie's floor. They are doing the yoga room floor tomorrow. YAY!!!! This means I will (as soon as we get the stuff sorted out) have my exercise room. FINALLY!!!

The guys moved everything out of Katie's room into the yoga room and then, once they finished with Katie's floor they moved everything into Katie's room. Katie and I were discussing what they should do with it all tomorrow after they finish the yoga room - they asked for us to tell them which stuff went into which room. Katie said it should all go back into the yoga room so she can gradually put it into her room. I said the opposite! Just put back what will ultimate go in the yoga room (namely the treadmill and the exercise stuff) and leave everything else out. That way at least ONE room will be done. Katie won't let me do that. Unfortunately, she has work camp next week and so will spend the week working on Charles' house instead of ours. I think I may have them put the furniture back in her room anyway. There is no point in moving that back out only to have to put it back again.

I am thinking of putting short book cases in the closet in the yoga room. We are SO in need of shelf space in our house!

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