Tuesday, March 17, 2009


142.4 Same weight as Emily again! And with sort of the same circumstances--I've been hovering in the 142-144 range all week and this morning I was down at the lower end. Mine, however, was done with a great deal of effort. According to my handy-dandy heart rate monitor I worked out seven times last week and burned 3451 calories in the process. I don't know if I'll be able to do the same amount this week-I'm losing two days this week to all day training sessions. But I was at the gym yesterday, will go to the pool today, will bike to work tomorrow and work out during lunch, and will get in another short swim on Saturday when Connor is at his lesson, so that leaves me only one long run from what my goal is for the week.

1 comment:

Emily said...

So... you've lost two pounds of fat, building muscle in the process, and I've lost two pounds of muscle! Guess who's going to lose more in the long run? (Hint: it's not me!)