Everyone in my house was struck with a stomach virus this weekend except me. Given the horror I have of throwing up, I spent the weekend bathing in bleach and surrounded by a cloud of Lysol spray. My hands are cracked and bleeding from washing them so much (then following up for good measure with hand sanitizer) and I ate nothing but what I would have eaten had I been sick--chicken soup and crackers and applesauce. I'm still not convinced that I've dodged this bullet (Connor got it on Friday, Claire on Saturday and Brian on Sunday. Today should have been my day, but I won't breathe easy until Wednesday I think.) so I'm sticking to bland food and not much of it. This is working wonders on my daily weight--today I was down to 144.4. A few more weeks of avoiding a stomach virus and I'll be in great shape!
I'm trying to stick with a weekly exercise schedule that has me in shape for the triathlon this summer. Last week I did two days of running (one tempo, one intervals), one day of swimming (40 minutes--I was supposed to do two days but had to leave early on Friday to take care of Connor), two days of moderate aerobics (stationary bike and walking) and one day of light aerobics and weight work. I need to actually get out on my bike (again, dealing with sickness kept me inside this weekend when the weather was perfect for riding!), but last week was more or less what I'd like to shoot for in the next couple of months--two days swimming, two days running, one day biking, and the other two off or light activity. I also need to start adding in more weight training, but I think that'll either take switching to getting up at an ungodly early hour to run outside (which I can't see doing in February, unless today's weather holds!) so that I can work on the weight machines at lunchtime or coming up with a routine using the freeweights we have at home. I only have wimpy girly weights, but Brian has some better freeweights somewhere.
I can give you some tips on a free weight routine that you could do pretty quickly. There's also a max weight routine, which is fast and helpful. I'll put something together.
That would be great, thanks!
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