Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So I'm holding steady, more or less.  It went down early in the week and then jumped up four pounds overnight, and then it settled here again for weigh-in day.  People keep getting cakes for us -- my group of friends, the Girl Scout troop, the Cub Scout pack.  And yesterday was Alexander's birthday, so we had a cake at home for that!  And the Chemistry group did a cocktail party, which is more caloric than cake, I'm pretty convinced.  And you can't not eat a cake made in your honor!  At least the Girl Scouts polished off the whole cake; at the other two parties, we were sent home with the leftovers (I resisted on my friends' cake -- it was HUGE so they only sent us with part.  But it was good and it ran out the day the Cub Scouts sent theirs home.  We still have theirs, and the birthday cake).  So I had no hope of watching my calorie intake this week.  Once we get to Norway there will be a lot of seafood; provided it's not all slathered in butter I should be able to eat fairly healthily.

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