Wednesday, April 09, 2008

At least *someone* has the diet and exercise thing down!

Brian took Davey to the vet for his annual checkup and I was ridiculously pleased to hear that the vet remarked on what good physical shape Davey was in. Lots and lots of long walks. Three miles is a long distance when your legs are only 12 inches long.

But then it occurred to me that when I was the equivalent age to Davey (roughly somewhere between learning to drive and being able to vote) I also was in great shape and didn't really have to think about it or work at it. So does this mean that in a couple of years, Davey's metabolism will come to a screeching halt, he'll start to put on weight and not want to go for walks, and even when we take him for the long walks we're doing now, they won't have the same effect? Will he graze mindlessly in the evenings on whatever food he can find? Will he need his own blog?

After a week away from the gym, I was back today and don't seem to have lost any of my strength or stamina in the meantime. I hope I don't have another week like last week anytime soon!


Emily said...

A dog with a blog hurries out for a jog... but not the hippopotamus. (Sorry!) I hope Davey stays in better shape than we have -- but, then, he's got someone *else* controlling his food and doesn't have any Girl Scout cookies or Easter candy providing constant temptation, so maybe he stands a chance!

Vicki said...

You mean you haven't been reading Davey's blog? Don't let him know that. I think he believes he has many faithful human readers. He's been bragging lately about his weight loss and his conditioning. I think he's gone as far as calling himself "Wonder Dawg."

Sarah said...

So THAT'S why my keyboard at home looks all scratched up! All this time I've been blaming Connor and his emery board obsession.