Tuesday, December 04, 2007

"We never repent of having eaten too little"

Thomas Jefferson was a genius, wasn't he? I think I'll get that quote framed and stuck on my kitchen cabinets, right in front of the Girl Scout cookies, which I am blaming for my complete non-weight loss this past week. I was 138.4 AGAIN today (although it did flash on 138.2 at first, so maybe there's some hope!). And yes, I've been into the cookies way too much. OTOH, I've been walking and to the gym way too much too. Yesterday, between the gym and the dog, I logged five miles of walking/running and another 20 minutes of weight lifting. And then I stayed up until 1 a.m. cleaning and icing cakes and wrapping presents and eating cookies the whole time. Oh, and I also had a piece of birthday cake yesterday (a co-worker's birthday).

So this past week is past and I'm repenting of having eaten too much, so now I'll start the Thomas Jefferson diet and see if I can reach my goal weight in the next three weeks. I'll be off to a bad start today with Claire's birthday dinner tonight--pizza and cake. Sigh.


Amy said...

Now... I don't think that is entirely true... I don't doubt that T.J. was a genius, I don't think he was ever a bride. SO many brides have told me that they regret not getting to eat at their own wedding. AND - for years I used to leave the TESSCO Holiday party and say "Shoot! I didn't get anything to eat!" I did regret it then. I was always so busy that I never got to sample the yummy foods. Last year, however, I set up shop in the chocolate room.

Sarah said...

Regretting is different from repenting.

Amy said...

Yes - that is correct. I didn't make that connection... But repenting I always think involves hair shirts and cardboard signs and dirty beards - and I have never really felt inclined to do THAT either.