was a 60-minute Strictly Strength class, which didn't actually seem all that long and was hard work but not impossible. My right bicep gave me trouble, though, because the Hammer Strength machines from yesterday worked it a little too much. It wasn't a very exciting class, though. There weren't many people there -- the students are out of town -- and it doesn't seem to keep moving as well as Body Pump, which has a similar concept (but I haven't tried it at this gym -- maybe that's the instructor).
I didn't really break a sweat during the class even though my muscles were screaming, so afterwards I did 15 minutes on the elliptical and burned 170 calories. Not shabby!
Daniel hit his next goal weight for an official day (he weighs MWF, and he kept seeing the weight he wanted on off days but not on official days -- then he cleared it by about 3 pounds!) so we're going to splurge on pizza tonight, though I'm not going to pig out, or I'll see it on my weight chart.
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