Friday, December 21, 2007

GASP - Nineth Day Fitness

Last night I decided I needed quick and dirty exercise because I was in the middle of getting stuff done. So I decided I would run up and down the stairs and lap around my kitchen/dining room/living room/hall. I intended to do 10 laps - but only completed 6. I thought I was going to die! I was breathing way hard - and gasping. It took me longer for my heart rate and breath to calm down than the exercise itself. How PATHETIC! It then also set me off coughing - which pretty much hasn't stopped yet (although it is much better now). I blamed part of this distress on the fact that I was wearing a turtleneck that was slightly too tight at the seam around the neck and a necklace that further compounded that. I did much better if I pulled the neck away from my throat. I blame MOST of my distress on this big fat butt that INSISTED on following me everywhere I went.

My all junk all the time actually didn't turn out too badly. After I posted yesterday I met Kristy for coffee, had grilled chicken with brown rice and a mango/raspberry sauce, then I ate one of the biscotti I was given. All told my calories were bad - but could have been much worse. I was kind of proud of myself because even though I gave myself permission to not say no yesterday - I actually didn't binge as much as I could have.

Katie and I are doing Let's Dish at lunchtime today. We haven't done it since July - we have been cooking more at home - but we are eager to have a variety back in our freezer today.


Emily said...

Running up and down the stairs is some of the toughest exercise there is! I see the 10-year-olds in the fitness class at the gym having to do that and they seldom make it through more than six. And these are SKINNY kids. On the days when I've tried stairs I start out running all the way up and down, and by the end I only have the energy to get up one or two stairs before I hop back down. And I feel like I'm going to throw up afterwards. Professional athletes have been known to throw up after a stadium's worth of stair-running. Ugh.

Amy said...

That actually makes me feel much better. The only reason I pushed myself through the 6th lap was because I was embarassed that I had to report here that I could barely sustain this for5 laps. That, and I needed to turn off the downstairs lights. I didn't think about NOT doing the whole flight of stairs - That would have been sensible. I regularly do laps through my downstairs - trying to increase my step count, or when talking on the phone. I could have held up much longer if I did more flat and less inclined...