Thursday, November 02, 2006

Busy Week

OK - my weight on weigh in day (Halloween) was 215.4 - my starting weight. I think that was it anyway. After running around like crazy on Tuesday I was 213.8 yesterday. I was the same thing this morning.

I have been eating poorly (candy, cakes, apples... Well, the apples are OK) and no regular meals. I have been TOTALLY neglecting my new treadmill.

Tonight I have a dinner scheduled at The Melting Pot. That should be fun and fattening.

I went to the endocrinologist yesterday. He asked a lot of questions and is sending me for a series of blood tests. Also a spit test. I have to spit for half an hour at midnight the night before my blood tests. He also found a nodule on my thyroid. He said that may mean absolutely nothing (many people have them and they never do anything). However, he wants to have an ultrasound done on that to check it out. He then wants to see it again in 6 months to make sure it is not growing. The only reason I am even remotely worried about this is that Dr. Behar checks my glands and stuff in my neck every six months and he has never said anything about a nodule. Also - two people in the past month have had to go out for thyroid surgery (including the CEO of TESSCO) and you KNOW things always happen in threes. I hope I am not the third in this case. Anyway - I have scheduled the spit test and the ultrasound for next Wednesday at 8am. I am then going to Oregon Grille for lunch with Suzanne and Kristy.

THEN - the doctor - who I really liked... he was short and quick and kind of reminded me of a character out of Narnia - said he would like to see how I would do on The Atkins Diet. I dont' know if that was just a suggestion, a professional curiosity, or an instruction. I was reading about Atkins last night online, and I can see how he would like to see how I would do. Atkins changes the way your metabolism works - but if I responded to it that would show at least that my metabolism IS working. He also did say that some people have a higher threshold for weight loss (which we have discussed on this blog before) and the only way to lose weight by reducing calories is by reducing calories A LOT and burning A LOT more through exercise. I don't want to be one of those people.


Emily said...

I know it sounds like a hideous life but I really think you could do the dramatic weight-loss approach and succeed at it. Cut back to 1200ish calories a day -- lots of veggies and not lots of caloric foods. I used the 1200 calorie plan from the Jenny Craig stuff you sent me years ago and I genuinely felt full because of all the veggies. It will suck for the first week but I bet your stomach would adjust rapidly.

But the real trick is the intense exercise -- I'm convinced that's what helped me so much this last year. I went 40-50 minutes on the bicycle three or so times a week, and I went at an intense level so that my heart rate was around 170 the whole time, and I sweated like a pig. Most of the difficulty with exercising when you're first getting started is mental -- so you tend to quit before you're *really* exhausted. I knew I'd hit my limit when I couldn't keep my heart rate below 180 for the full time, but it was four levels up from the one I'd started with, and for ten minutes longer than I'd originally gone. And I made that change over the space of a month. I did get really, really bored as the time got longer (that's what books on tape are for, though) but I burned a LOT of calories that way. So use your treadmill and force yourself to go either one level up or five (or three, or two, or one, whatever you can manage) minutes longer each day that you exercise, until you're really and truly exhausted, and not just mentally so. I bet you have a lot more in you than you realize.

And as for Adkins -- ick! I know it's holding up well in tests with people, so it's not as dangerous and unhealthy as they first feared, but I would SO hate that diet -- you have my sympathy! I'd try the dramatic calorie reduction of regular foods first.

I hope something new and exciting comes of all the tests -- wouldn't it be nice if there really were a quick fix? And do go see an acupuncturist too. Good luck!

(Yes, now you can punch me for being a cheerleader -- I should just commiserate and go away, right?)

Emily said...

And when I say "first getting started" of course I KNOW you've been at this a long time -- I just mean first trying to step it up to a high level. Sorry!