Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Following Amy's lead

Maybe in honor of election day I can pretend I'm a candidate and LIE about my weight?

No dice. I'm too honest. I was 136.4 this morning. All that candy and last night's Pampered Chef party caught up with me finally. And I didn't make it to the gym yesterday (deadline--not going to make it today either. I have to get this proposal draft finished today, and I'm only on page 15 of 4o!), although I did manage five days of exercise last week. Maybe that kept me from gaining 3 pounds instead of the 1.4 I gained.

Brian and I went back to making up dinner menus for this week and next, so that means we'll eat a bit more healthy in the evenings. And we're down to the gross Halloween candy, so that's good. I can pass on lollipops and Sweet-Tarts (who buys them? Does anyone like them anymore, or is there a landfill somewhere that's just full of Sweet-tarts?).


Amy said...

Sweet Tarts are gross. I like Smarties though. We mostly have Dum Dums left.

Emily said...

I like Smarties, too. I buy them when they go on 90% clearance at Target because you can get them so cheap, and then I don't pig out on them -- just one or two packs once in a blue moon. I never did like Sweet Tarts, but Mary loves them -- she's like Daniel in that she likes some sourness to her candy (sometimes).