Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Back up

I was 134.2 this morning, up two pounds from last week. But last week's 132 was an aberration--it only happened that one day and then every other day I was back into the 134 zone.

I've been eating badly--too many goodies, although my meals have been pretty good. I made it to the gym twice last week, then missed Friday since I had been up all night (literally) with Connor and missed again yesterday because I left work sick at 11:00 and slept all afternoon. I still feel like something the cat dragged in, but at least I feel better than I did yesterday! I still could use another eight or ten hours of sleep, though.

I really want to get back to doing pilates. It made such a difference in my strength and flexibility but I haven't done it regularly since February. But now that Brian is around more (and can keep Davey out of the way) I should go back to doing it three or four times a week. It's one of those things that I put off doing but then don't mind it *while* I'm doing it.

I did one of those "real age" calculators yesterday and it said that my real age is 32 years, 5 months but that I could reduce my age further by eating more fiber, vegetables, and fruit and doing more strength building exercise. And flossing more. That one kind of bothered me--I answered truthfully that I floss 4 - 6 days a week because I don't usually floss every single day, but it's generally more like 6 days a week and not four, so I didn't think that should count against me so much.


Amy said...

I have never heard of a real life calculator. So I found one. Mine didn't ask about flossing and it said that I was 35.5. Of course, it said that as a single woman I would live .35 months LESS than a married one - which I think is wrong. I gave me two more years because I said I have 3 or more close friends. Hummm. I guess you guys are good for something!!

Amy said...

BTW Sarah - I am sorry you are feeling crappy! That is what happeend to me at and after Pennsic. I slept for a day (could have used two) and was mostly better in a week. The weird sore throat/cough is just now going away though.

Sarah said...

I found Typhoid Mary--a woman at work who apparently had this same thing last week, Thursday through Sunday, and began feeling better yesterday, so I should be feeling more myself by tomorrow, just about in time for my family to come down with it!

Emily said...

I just did Sarah's and mine came back as 31.0, but it complained that I'd reported my blood pressure as lower than average. It IS lower than average, but that doesn't mean it's lower than *healthy*! I have great blood pressure. I also need more fruits and vegetables and whole grains and omega-3 fatty acids, but that should be news to no one. And I need more regular exercise. And it objected to my 6-7 days of flossing, too. Oh, well, I'll never be perfect!

Julie S said...

I haven't done this yet, but how exactly does flossing contribute you age? I'll probably be 99 because I rarely floss. My teeth are so tight it shreds the floss and then that is just annoying. I'll let you know how I make out.