I was going great guns with my diet through Friday afternoon, but then the weekend hit. For Friday evening we went out on a date, so I had restaurant food, a chicken fajita quesadilla (not so much queso, and the meat is cooked fajita-style, and there are lots of veggies, though also cooked in a lot of fat) which was very yummy, and I only ate half of it. And then we went to the movies and had popcorn and lemonade, and I'm happy to report that we left a little popcorn behind (enormous willpower on my part) and I didn't drink much of the lemonade (though it was still probably about a gallon -- those drinks are huge). The weekend got worse from there -- I tried to keep portion sizes small, but I didn't do very well with the snacking on Saturday and Sunday! Yesterday Monday hit and I still haven't completely sworn off the candy corn (evil autumn candy) and goldfish crackers (evil sale at Kroger on the smaller bags, very yummy flavors), though the honey-wheat pretzel twists are gone (not unhealthy but easy to overeat -- the little pretzel sticks and minis require a lot more effort to get even to one serving). Nevertheless, I am back under 140 for this week, and I have been exercising. Not over the weekend, though.
I went for a walk yesterday and Mary rode her bike. Today I don't have plans yet but it's unlikely to be anything exciting -- either a walk or a boring video. Daniel's out of town so I can't get any relief to allow a run. I need to get back to running because the 5k is coming up in just a few weeks, and right now that could potentially kill me!
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