Friday, May 14, 2010

Charlie bit me!

I'm feeling a little like the older brother in the Charlie Bit Me video, only instead of a bald baby brother I have these workouts--I run or I swim and afterwards I'm thinking "that really hurt!" So what do I do? Willingly and knowingly, I stick my finger back in the mouth. I go back out the next day and put myself through more pain. I swear, the pool laughs at me afterwards too.

Knowing that I'm on the edge of overtraining (my muscles hurt a lot more than they really should) but also knowing that I wouldn't be able to get to the pool today, I went swimming yesterday when I should have been taking a rest day. I told myself that I'd only do 22 laps (race length) or maybe 25 because that seems like a better number. But when I hit 25 and my shoulders and triceps were aching I thought, well, it's only another 8 laps to get up to a mile. So I did another 8 laps. And last night I really hurt.

Today I woke up with a sore throat and stuffy nose and still achy all over, so maybe my extra achiness was the onset of this cold (it's been going around work--I'm one of the last to catch it. I think the only person still healthy is the woman who has been on jury duty this week) and not just from overdoing it with exercise this week. So today is my rest day, and my Airborne ingestion day, and I hope by tomorrow (mid 70s and sunny!) I'm up for another round of pain.


Julie S said...

That video was really cute...I loved how the little boy said "Charlie" like "Char-lay."

I guess you should evaluate your motivation for making it ok to be in so much pain. Personally, I strongly dislike hurting that much, so I'd find some other activity to engage in. Your swimming stories just sound miserable. But, if you are that psyched about the races and such, then it may all be worth it. Yet on the other hand you really are still young and you might want to be a little gentler with your body; it needs to last a long time!!

Amy said...

LOL! That really hurt.