Does anyone ever come here anymore? I check every few days - but nothing has changed in over a month.
So - Sleep Study part two is scheduled for next Wednesday. I am thinking that I want to try to make my bedroom more conducive to sleep first/also. Currently it is such a junk pile. I wonder if I actually CLEAN everything it would be better for sleep. I also want to get darker shades. I have always preferred translucent shades, but everything I read about sleep disorders says to make sure your sleeping space is cool and dark. Mine isn't dark. It is medium grey at best. I also am planning on getting new pillows with my tax return. I sleep with the same pillow I got for college (c. 1985) and the ones I bought within a few years of graduation (c. 1990). I need new ones... Good ones. My originals were all cheap at the time. Maybe changes like this will help me sleep with the GD CPAP machine...
I keep checking, too! I have our page on RSS feed on my google homepage, but since it hasn't been changing I keep checking the page itself to make sure RSS hasn't quit on me somehow. I haven't posted because nobody else was posting. How idiotic that we're all waiting for somebody else!
Daniel and I bought an expensive pillow for him a couple of years ago because mine was expensive and good, and his was cheap and terrible. The expensive one turned out to be crap as well. After only a few nights he had to give up and go back to the cheap one, and shortly thereafter we found a cheap one that was better (but still not as good as mine). I can't find REALLY good pillows anywhere -- PillowTex was the company that made the kind I like and they went out of business seven or eight years ago!
I check in every few days, too, but since I was the last person to post anything before this I figured there was no point posting something new since I can talk to myself without typing!
I met a guy last weekend who was diagnosed with sleep apnea a few years ago and uses the CPAP machine. He said it was irritating the first day but didn't notice it after that at all. Now when he's without it (camping, etc.) he really notices the difference in the quality of his sleep.
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