Unfortunately, it is the track I don't WANT to be on. I am now 40 - FORTY - as in FOUR OH! pounds up from when we started this diet four years ago - which means I am back on track for gaining an average of 10 pounds per year in the last 10 years. What worries me is 20 of these pounds have happened in the last 8 months. That is a pretty fast gain by anyone's standards. Also, I can honestly say that you can't really see gain or loss of about 10 or so pounds on me - but this is VERY noticeable. Expecially since I am not getting any taller. In fact, I think I am getting shorter.
So, Katie and I were trying to figure out today what we are doing differently. Exercise, clearly, has always been a problem for me. I can't say it is much less than it was LAST year. I mean I was only doing my Wednesday yoga (which I still am) and walking to church. I have cut out the walking to church bit. I was doing water aerobics somewhat regularly - but still only one day a week at best, and that was only for about three months. I think when I DO (periodically) get into the habit of going to the gym, it usually lasts about a month or so and then I stop. I haven't had one of these month long gigs since Sarah's birthday party. I go periodically, but not regularly. Next, I think I need to stop eating sugar. I HAVE been eating Girl Scout cookies. Not daily - but frequently. I also have been having a drink or two after work. Again, not daily - but more often than I used to. Everytime I DO have a drink I think that it isn't the alcohol I want, but the sugar it contains. I know this! Finally, I need to stop getting older. I am sure that some of the changes I am seeing are based in the fact that I am getting older - but I wouldn't think it would be THAT much that fast!
Anyway - I am going to see my doctor in two weeks, I will discuss all of this with her. In the meantime, I need to do something. The planned meals have helped to a degree, but I need to tighten them up - more fruits and veggies, less bread and rice. I also have to start going to the gym again. I want to shoot for after dinner. Katie can't stand waiting for me to come home from work to eat (which is usually around 8pm as it is) so I just need to not sit down when I do come home, but get in my exercise clothes as soon as I walk in the door, and the get to the gym by 9pm!
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