Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Holding steady

My weight crept up during the week but it was back at 156.5 today.  So my weight is keeping itself within a steady range of 156.5-158.  So far the only change I've made since Labor Day is in my snacking -- I'm not eating constantly during the day and I'm trying to remember to eat almonds instead of cookies when I want a satisfying crunch.  I'm not perfect, especially around dinner time and beyond, but at least my weight isn't rising anymore.  

I can't seem to establish any kind of routine that will allow me to go to the gym.  With the start of school, our work is taking us through almost dinner time every day (should that be "dinnertime everyday"?) and we're still not getting much done, and when I'm not teaching I'm laundering ten years of children's clothes from the basement (actually at least half the boxes are mold-free, thank goodness, but it's still a lot of clothes, the hand-me-downs of five children since 1998).  And I'm co-leading the Girl Scouts this year and trying to get Xander back into Cub Scouts, in a reasonable troop, so that's two nights a week gone.  And Fridays are Happy Hour, though I'm only going every other week, but now one Friday a month I'm leading a craft project club (for grown-ups) and Fridays tend to be group activity day for school, so that's a third night shot.  And Sundays don't have childcare at the gym.  So I think I'm down to three days a week that I could go, IF I could get an appointment and if the kids don't have doctors' appointments (those should settle soon -- we were due for everything when we got back) that knock our day out of whack.  I feel better seeing this in print -- I've been wondering why on earth I don't have time, and now it seems obvious.  I AM procrastinating on calling the gym, but it's with good reason.

At any rate, my mental goal of being not-overweight for my class reunion seems unlikely at this point, unless I crash diet and actually DO exercise to lose the next four pounds before October 3.  Hmph.  I guess that's not SO unreasonable, but I'd have to do it, and *whine* I don't wanna.

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