My diet - It has been crap. I haven't been eating breakfast in the mornings before I leave. Last summer I stuck with the morning routine, even without Katie getting up also. This year I don't think I have had breakfast one single time!! I haven't even been making coffee... This means that if I DO stop for coffee I buy some horrible pastry (which, for the record, although I find hypothetically appealing, in reality my body just DOESN'T like it!) or I carry a yogurt with me and then don't eat it... I am really excited about Katie going back to school so I WILL start eating breakfast again.
Katie and I were so clever last week. We did Let's Dish, but I had the foresight to bring with me a big jar of that clear fiber stuff. So we added fiber to all of our dinners as we prepared them. I went to see Rebecca a few weeks ago. I told her that now that I had been holding steady for the better part of a year (although, in reality I have been gaining over the summer - darn lack of breakfast!) I want to start thinking about LOSING weight. I had been thinking about a low glycemic diet for a while. This is mostly because it seems as though it is the white rice, flour, and (of course) sugary foods that brings on my reflux so badly - so eliminating them seems logical. Also I think that a true low glycemic diet is the ONLY diet that I haven't tried. Although, most of the diets that I have done HAVE been low glycemic by accident. So - after discussing it with Rebecca she gave me lists of foods and told me that more importantly than just choosing low glycemic food I need to increase my fiber intake. (This I thought was very ironic since when I FIRST started seeing her - two, three? years ago - I had JUST increased my fiber dramatically and she asked me why I was eating so much fiber... I didn't have an answer, other than it seemed like a good idea at the time, so I backed that down.) Unfortunately, I have had a hard time jump starting this diet, because I have not been able to find a good guideline for planning a diet. I am GREAT at planning diets if I have a format of somesort to follow. I think I am going to have to email her again before she goes out on maternity leave so I can get more info from her....
Exercise has been minimal to say the least. I am still doing yoga - and I am still seeing improvement from that. Of course, one thing I really LIKE about yoga is that it doesn't matter what level you are doing it is RIGHT - you just gradually get better over the years. What I would have loved is to have started when I was 10 and kept it up. Kids naturally bend and stuff where they are supposed to. We stop when we hit about 12 and start ONLY doing toning exercise - which means our bodies get tighter and tighter over the years - which results in pain and injury. We ALL should do yoga our whole lives! Kick ball followed by yoga; softball and soccer followed by yoga, running, biking, swimming, then yoga. Then when we get REALLY old - standing up and walking, followed by yoga. 8-)
I did water ballet on Saturday because Sarah woke me up at 7:45 to say she was going to my gym and did I want to come too. Sheesh! So I went. It was HORRIBLE. It was water ballet at the senior center. Not the group - they were the usual people, but the teacher was a sub and she was WAY too old for our group and the exercise she did was WAY too slow and passive. I didn't get my heart rate up at all until the very end when I decided to ignore her and just tread water for a bit. I got out when she started the "cool down" (I had never WARMED UP!). I wasn't the only one feeling this way. The whole group was looking at each other and rolling their eyes. The usual Saturday teacher has us panting and sweating within 10 minutes. So I think I will start back with that again next week.
I need to pretend like Davey is still living with me. I need to get up and walk for 20 minutes each morning and then again at night.
I should, should, should all the time. I don't know if I ever WILL! Sigh. Katie has been feeling the middle age spread creeping up on her too. I am hoping that once she is back into her school routine we will start our 10 minutes of exercise in the evenings. That actually DID seem to help when we did it before - four years ago!!!
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