OK - My weight was up about a pound and a half today. I knew this was coming... My plateau, which was great while it lasted, couldn't last forever. Also - I have been eating badly off and on for several weeks now. What I mean by eating badly is not eating at all... or nothing substanial. Or eating nothing but crab dip and birthday cake all day. I am worst when Katie doesn't have to eat breakfast in the mornings... which is any day that schools are closed - or late - or if I have to leave earlier than she does. Or whatever. If I don't eat breakfast I am less inclinde to eat anything all day. That completely goes against the deal I made with my body to feed it when it is hungry. I have been very headachy lately too - and I am not sure if that is because of bad eating, or because of other stuff (the weather, stress, etc.)
OTOH - I have been paying close attention to what I do eat when I do eat. Portions I mean. I always thought that when I would eat foods I would eat beyond what was a healthy portion. I really don't. I mean, like pistachio nuts. I love them. I eat them regularly as an evening snack. It is impossible to measure out 1/4 cup of nuts if you get the kind with shells, so I always assumed that I was eating more than a normal serving. Just recently Katie and I got the pre-shelled kind. So I DID measure out a 1/4 cup each time I would eat them. In EACH case, 1/4 cup was as much, or more, than I desired. So I concluded that I WAS actually eating the correct portions in the past. Nuts really are the only snack food that we keep on hand. I have had Christmas cookies in the house - but I still have a fair number of them left. I just recently finished off my ginger date chews. I really enjoyed them - but again, I didn't gorge on them.
So - to get serious - I need a plan. Since I had a weight jump today, I need to reverse that possible trend. How do I lose weight? At two hundred and hummfffss pounds, eating less than the 1700-ish calories probably isn't the best plan. I really think I SHOULD start tracking my food again. I need to increase my exercise. This I know. It doesn't matter how many times I say it - and I believe it - I just don't see it happening. There are pockets of time that I COULD fill with exercise - but they are limited and I have so many things I could fill them with. 90 minutes of yoga a week (even yoga that makes me sweat) isn't enough. It isn't even enough to add on two 60 minute sessions of water ballet. Patty and I have scheduled trips to the gym - but so far we have only made it once. This is my fault. I have had a tight work schedule the past two weeks. I hope we can make a more concerted effort to make it there after this week. So - add an additional 2 or 3 30 minute sessions of treadmill work - or elliptical - or whatever to the tally. I bet even THAT won't do it.
Oh - BTW - even though my weight hasn't increased to speak of (not counting this week) my clothes seem to be getting tighter, or less comfortable.
1 comment:
Hi Amy,
I feel your pain.
I have one simple suggestion and it's something I've done in the past and am trying to do now, even though it's really hard now.
Each day after you eat lunch and dinner go for a 20-minute walk. Even in this cold weather you'll work up a sweat or at least build up some heat. :-)
Or just start with one, maybe 20 minutes on the treadmill after lunch or dinner.
I find a walk provides a great amount of stress relief and is a nearly injury-free activity. It also helps cardiowise and with flexibility.
I also think it makes it easier on your brain -- it does mine -- so you're trying not to obsess about everything you COULD be doing.
Once you get addicted to walking you can lengthen them and then add more activity or mix it up.
That will allow you to see the space in your sked and you'll walk your way right into spring.
On this plan I'm following now the woman who wrote the book reminds not to kill yourself with cardio. Do weights, stretching and core work.
But I think you've got to start somewhere. I've been trying to do workouts in the morning, my worst time of day to change my routine so I don't have so my pressure to do my entire workout after work.
Anyway, that's my long-winded simple suggestion!!
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