So I met with the trainer yesterday. He seemed nice. We didn't work out yesterday - but he set me up for three days a week this coming week - but I don't know if I can afford to do that for long. I want to talk to him about just doing two days a week. In addition to the three days working out with him he wants me to burn 400 calories a day on the treadmill - that is about 45 minutes at my current weight and pace... If I increase my running I can probably reduce the amount of time I will have to spend - however, he wants me to increase it to 500 calories by next month. Quite frankly, I don't think I care THAT much about getting skinny that I want to give up most of my free time at home just to walk on a treadmill. Sigh.
I still have to figure out this meal time thing. I don't see how people do it.
That seems about right to me (the amount of exercise, that is)--that's pretty much what I was doing when I was dropping weight quickly. I divided my exercise between the treadmill (35 minutes, built up to running over time) and pilates/weight work/walking (another 20 - 45 minutes, depending on what I was doing), exercising five or six days a week. It was a PITA and I pretty much didn't do anything else but work, chores, take care of kids, and exercise but it really did do the trick in dropping my weight quickly. Now that I'm just running three days a week, I'm lucky to just maintain my weight. If I really wanted to lose the last four pounds, I'd go back to that level of exercise.
That's the amount of time I spend on a machine at the gym three days a week, too, and I'm just barely losing weight doing it (and avoiding sweets to boot). But, remember, it's NOT just about getting skinny! We want to keep you around a while -- this is about making your heart and lungs healthy and making your knees not hurt and your feet not get as tired and your back not ache, and about not being one of those old ladies hunched over a walker for twenty years. It IS worth it.
Besides, that's what books on tape are for!
See - that is where I have a problem... When I was going to the gym daily (which I kept up for all of January and February of last year) and then three to four days for most of the summer I still wasn't losing weight. I usually alternated between 50 minutes of cardio, or 30 minutes cardio and 30 minutes of weight training. So I was definitely getting a good workout. I didn't RUN, but I did walk at a pretty good pace (3.5-8) and always on an incline... Of course, if I did an incline I usually went with the slower pace.
I have made a deal with myself - I am going to stick with this dude for 90 days and see how I progress - if I don't see NOTABLE changes I am going to start a heroin habit instead - it would be cheaper!
I would be willing to bet that my knees get WORSE through this process. I am not sure *I* want to stick around. I have been waking up with panic attacks ever since the beginning of the year and they have ALL focused around getting old. I never thought that would be me - but I REALLY don't like the idea of aging.
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