Well - maybe not so much the knees and toes - but my head and shoulders hurt! I had a headache last night that I thought would go away with sleeping - but it is still here - and I feel like I slept clenched up because my shoulders are very sore this monring... Now that I think about it I COULD make a claim to the toes - I need new shoes.
See - this is what happens when you turn old... you get crotchety. 8-)
I ran around A LOT yesterday, ate badly, (including some pre packaged Coldstone) and didn't exercise. I heard Fresh Aire TWICE however (once on the DC station and then on the Balto station) since I was in the car that whole time! My weight shows it today - I was 215.2. I was 214.2 yesterday - so if the world maintains the same mass, I have gotten Sarah's pound a day.
Here is my dilemma. I have never been one to buy into the "Sunday isn't Lent" theory - thereby exempting us from our sacrifice... BUT - I was raised by Dad and think coupons are a great idea. That all being said - I got in my email yesterday a coupon from the Red Robin Birthday Club giving me one free burger - and one for $3 off my purchase. They expire on 3/14. It would be horribly wasteful NOT to use the coupons - but Katie and I gave up meat for Lent. So - can I go eat a hamburger on Sunday? This is after going to daily mass yesterday where the priest gave a homily that our faith can't be on OUR terms, but have to be on God's terms.
Today I am starting my daily journal of what I eat. I am doing that because I have my nutritionist appointment on 3/20 (I may try to move this up) and I need to be able to report all of my food to her (including anything I drink...).
CRAP! It just occurred to me that I didn't place a SINGLE Sale-a-bration order in the last two months. Oh well - I need stamps like I need a hole in the head!
Didn't Red Robin have a salmon burger? Wouldn't that be acceptable? As much as I hate it, I agree that Sundays are still part of Lent. I'd love to be able to eat some jelly beans this Sunday, but where's the sacrifice in that?
I *totally* forgot about Sale-a-bration! Bad word!
Actually they have a Salmon burger (which looks surprisingly unappealing considering I love salmon) and a crispy fish burger - which is probably a million calories AND a garden burger. But I don't know if my coupon will cover those since it said "Gormet Burger" and those are in the "Adventursome Burger" section. It IS Lent so I guess I WILL settle for the non meat variety - but I am getting onion rings gosh darn it!
ARGH! I just typed a whole comment and it disappeared when I submitted it (they said, "Required field must not be blank"). Grrrr.
Anyway, I just said I didn't order anything for me in SAB because I need sales next quarter, not this one. I did have two parties -- smaller than my usual SAB take -- so I think I earned one set and will get Big Blossom for myself.
And I was going to suggest a meatless burger (an oxymoron!) but Sarah beat me to it. Enjoy the onion rings!
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