Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Yay! A full two pounds down from last week! And perfect behavior every day this past week, except for Sunday when even my "bad" behavior was bad in moderation. So at least I know I'm still capable of this. I'll be happy to see my weight get back down to my acceptable 130 - 135 range. If I manage to stick to my plan all this week I should be there by next week, although with the scrapbook weekend coming up I'm not sure how that will go. It's weird, though, how even after a full week of excellent diet and exercise and seeing my weight drop a bit every day I *still* held my breath when I stepped on the scale this morning, as if that weight loss would suddenly vanish because it was never real to begin with. You'd think after a year and a half of this I'd be able to tell when my weight is fluctuating for no reason and when it's actually weight loss from diet and exercise.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I was thinking that I was going to pack my food for the scrapbook weekend - with the exception of dinners. I know how easily I lose it when my food isn't controlled - and I also know how my body doesn't respond well when I do lose it... so - I would rather bring my high fiber, low sugar foods with me...I don't know if I am capable of doing a scrapbooking weekend without snacking continuously. But they aren't feeding us anyway - and the only food around is fast food - so I might as well pack my own. Well - maybe just lunches... I LIKE restaurant (hotel) breakfast!