Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I am going up again. I was 213.6 this morning. I stayed perfect with my food all day - until about 2am when I woke up (I sleep very fitfully when I am sick). I was craving salt - so broke into Laura's Terrachips and ate about a serving (10g carbs) maybe a little less (I didn't want her to know I was stealing chips from her...).

I am feeling slightly better today. I am still very sore throaty, and my joints ache, but my fever seems to be gone. I don't think I am going to make it to 6:30 tonight though. I currently am urging myself to make it to 4pm at least.

So - how long exactly do I have to stick with this diet before I determine that it just isn't working anymore? I have been on it for just about 30 days, and only lost during the first 10 days. That means for TWICE that time I was doing what I normally do - hold steady, then start to gain again. The problem is I MISS normal healthy foods - whole grains, V-8, fruit. I loved it when I was dropping major weight daily... and I would even be happy if I was still losing the normal 1-2 pounds a week - but - once again - I am not! AND - until this past weekend - I DID NOT CHEAT!

So NOW what do I do? Accupuncture? Maybe that is the key for me... I keep thinking that SOMETHING has to be the key for me. I just have to figure out WHAT!!!

Do I risk easing off this diet? What if my weight skyrockets again?


Sarah said...

Emotional trauma seems to be the way to go. Maybe go volunteer in Darfur for a while?

OK, this might sound crazy, but have you ever considered lining up a number of different types of diets and doing the first two weeks of each of them? You seem to be great at losing weight at the beginning of a diet and then it levels off and stops. So like Ramona and the apples--take one bite and move onto the next. Two weeks of Atkins, two weeks of Jenny Craig, two weeks of the Grapefruit Diet, two weeks of Body for Life, two weeks of Weight Watchers, two weeks of fat flushing, and then start the pattern all over again. Keep your body guessing. It never gets to settle into anything. And you don't get bored. Or maybe that would be worse!

Before quitting Atkins, I'd do as you suggested and go back to the original ten days with no fruits, grains, etc. If you go back to losing weight then Atkins is working as it's supposed to, but your threshold is different than most people's is, which really wouldn't be surprising given everything you've already tried that hasn't worked. If *that's* the case and you can only lose using the most militant of approaches, then I'd go back to the doctor and see what the next level of testing might be--the first phase of Atkins shouldn't be the maintenance phase for anyone.

Emily said...

Amy, I saw a link once to a diet that was exactly as Sarah describes -- a keep-your-body-guessing diet. I've been thinking of it lately and wishing I had the link but I have no idea where to find it. I think they wanted money to give you the details anyway. But that might be the answer for you, I agree. (It does sound crazy, though!)

Definitely talk to your doctor and find out what next -- now you know how Atkins does for you. It's time for some answers!!

Amy said...

I HAVE thought of the multi fad diet approach. I think it is a GREAT idea - except the only thing that really gets me through the two weeks is the idea that I will be able to expand my diet after I finish. But - of course I would be able to do that - because Fat Flush is very different than Atkins.

I am mad at myself. I have had so much will power for the past month - and then this weekend I gave myself permission to cheat for the holiday party. I have not been able to get back into my good habits. I had Terrachips yesteryay - and I can't remember what on Sunday. Then just now I at a Christmas cookie. Granted it was a non sweet, mostly nuts cookie - but I am SURE they used sugar and flour in it. Sigh.

Amy said...


Men's Health 2002 - Zigzag dieting.

Amy said...


Sorry - you have to cut and paste it.