Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Holding Steady

I had a bit of a weight spike yesterday since I drank too much and ate fried food on Sunday. I was at 210.4 then - but this morning I was back down to 208.8. This means I have held steady in the 208-9 range for over a week. And since that is down from the 209-210 from earlier in September - and the 210-211 range in August - I consider that progress.

I exercised last night. I actually only did one round of my work out because the exercise ball (that Katie very kindly inflated for me last night) is a little bit too squishy for me - and so I was not getting a great workout - and I will need to inflate it more tonight. I did extra crunches though.

I think my knees are shot. I thought it was funny that the trainer was so impressed by my noisy knees, but since then (last Wednesday) I have noticed that the grinding noise in my knees HAS gotten worse in the past year or so, and there IS pain - just not constant pain (usually when I stand or sit there is a twinge at first) so I tend to ignore it. I officially hate getting old!

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