Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Moan and groan / Leave us alone! /...
I've had Shivery Yells in my head all day (and I've never learned the words to "Silver Bells" properly -- they always end up back on this version) because I started the day with moaning and groaning. 142.5, my worst weight since February. Ugh. We haven't been to the gym yet, but it will happen soon -- we just haven't had time this week so far.
I promised healthier posts this week but I can't deliver yet. What is it going to take to kick-start my diet??? When my jeans no longer fasten? (It won't be long at this rate!)
Since you guys all have some knowledge about this...
Scary weigh-in day
Grapefruit and celery and cottage cheese. That's the only answer. Isn't that what people on diets are supposed to eat? I should try it for a week and see what happens. I'd definitely lose weight since I can't stand two of the three.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Higher than Ever!
My food was pretty bad. I ate lots of girl scout cookies. (Although I gave one box away and have hidden three others...) I also ate a blob of desserty goodness that we got from Let's Dish last week. YUM! I have to hide those. They are ALL FAT!! Then yesterday I made mom's birthday cake and licked the bowls from that (sorry mom). I only drank one hard cider, and about two glasses of soft cider. Then I had sugary coffees both on Saturday and Sunday. I think that was all the bad stuff all weekend. I did eat some healthy foods in between - but who cares about the healthy stuff.
I did not use the treadmill Friday night (I went out with Sarah - although I was home early enough that I could have done it). I DID use it on Saturday - but took Sunday off too. I will have to make sure I use it tonight because I know I won't get to it tomorrow night. I have to be at work at 6am - so I KNOW I won't do it before work either!!!
Really, really, really bad weekend
And I only got to the gym once last week, and only took Davey on one walk. This has to end. In another few pounds, my new clothes will stop fitting me!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Diet? Me?
Heading home today
Food has been not good. Yesterday was Mary's birthday and so I had cake and candy (no ice cream) and lemonade (Cecilia's cup was too ful for her) and spaghetti and bread and wine for dinner and a lunch of barbecue and southern-style vegetables (which totally defeat the purpose of vegetables, as far as I can tell -- they're cooked with tons of fat and stewed so long that they have no nutrients left) and more bread and sweet potatoes and heaven knows what else; we were at Aunt Carolyn's and she pulled out all the stops. Most of it was good. And breakfasts haven't been particularly healthy, either, though yesterday I had a whole-wheat bagel; today was scrambled eggs and bacon and biscuits (with strawberry preserves, no butter) and orange juice and cantaloupe. I need to learn some restraint and go for more cantaloupe and less bacon.
Starting next week my posts are going to be a lot healthier. Really.
I am thinking alternatives
Getting caught up
I had a seminar to attend on Tuesday. My weight that day was 214.2 (or point zero - I can't quite remember) a little down from last weeks weight. Then Wednesday I dropped to 212.6. Yesterday I was back UP to 214.6 and this morning down to 213.6 which went up to 214 after my shower - but I am counting the 213.6.
I have been using the treadmill diligently every day except yesterday. Yesterday Katie and I went to Let's Dish after work - and by the time we got home and everything loaded up in the fridge and the dishwasher unloaded and the kitchen cleaned up (a little bit - it needs a lot more!) it was 11:24pm. I THOUGHT about doing some time on the treadmill, but decided that by the time I worked out - got sweaty - got cleaned and went to bed, it would be 1am - and I was tired. Tonight I am going to a fund raiser with Sarah - so I may not get time on the treadmill then either.
Food has been VERY sugary. I am girding my loins for the hypothetical abandonment of it next week. After the Renn Fest on Sunday, I ate Girl Scout cookies on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and last night. Although - I have only actually polished off one box of Samoas, a box of Tagalongs, and half of a box of Do-si-dos. This is full disclosure, right. Horrible, I know!! But - It COULD have been worse... I COULD have finished a full box EVERY day. Sigh. Other than the Girl Scout cookies I think I have been pretty good. I had lunch at Panera yesterday and Wednesday. I had salads each day - with soup yesterday and 1/2 a sandwich on Wednesday, and an apple. Dinners have been either Girl Scout cookies - or Let's Dish - but nothing that dramatic.
And that's it... I think.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Here's a good laugh for everyone...
I'm sort of here...
Eating continues to be very random. Last night I had a small steak and the rest of a Cadbury fruit & nut bar. Lunch was soup and bread, and breakfast was a muffin. Monday I ate lunch at a really nice Irish pub in Fells Point. I had a fish sandwich with some fries, but not many because they were too fat. I'm a skinny french frie kind of girl. Dinner Monday night was cottage cheese and pears, and crackers I think. It was nearly 10 pm so I was just eating whatever was nearby. I don't recall breakfast. Oh! I know why I don't recall breakfast--I never had it. It took me 3 hours to get to work Monday so I drank a vitamin water in the car.
Since I have not had time (or honestly the motivation) to hit the treadmill, I have decided that for the next week I want to do 50 crunches and as many push ups (probably 5! haha) as I can before bed. it isn't much, but it is something.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
No idea what I weigh
Food hasn't been too bad -- Daniel's mom is also on a diet so she's cooking light. We had BBQ chicken with veggies, mashed potatoes and bread (and I kept the latter two to a minimum, though I had some cheesecake for dessert) the first night and brunswick stew with cornbread last night. But there's still candy around (candy corn is the main offender) so I've been snacking on that a little bit. Could be worse. I'm certainly not losing any weight with my diet here so far, but I'm not piling on the pounds, either, I hope.
OTOH, I didn't eat one Girl Scout cookie all day yesterday!
Monday, October 23, 2006
Other threat - I told Sarah on Sunday (as we were indulging in our Renn Fest yummies) that I am terrified that the endocrinologist will tell me that I have a high intolerance of sugar and that I will have to get it ALL out of my life. I would die. Sarah said - yeah, and then I would bully the rest of YOU ALL into giving up sugar too. Hey! If I can do it SO CAN YOU! We are in this together, right??? You too should live in fear! What will I do without my sugared coffees? Is this the type of thing that if I have an occational Coldstone icecream I will go into sugar shock for the rest of my life? AHHHHH! See - I am in such fear of this that I am borrowing trouble a week before the appointment is supposed to happen.
I was a slug all day on Saturday. Sunday I would have been a slug too - but for the indulgent trip to the Renn Fest - which turned out to be a lot of fun. I walked for 43 minutes each day - and on Sunday I actually RAN - for 33 seconds. 8-) I was always afraid to run on the treadmill at the gym for fear of looking like an absolute idiot. I don't mind so much in the privacy of my own home. Maybe tonight I will run for TWO 33 second sessions. ;-) I really like the whole exercising at will thing. I enjoy it first thing in the morning - because I start the day will a calorie deficit. Kind of neat. It also sets the tone for food (at least for a little bit).
Food has been iffy. I actually can't remember mostly what I ate this weekend. I made whole wheat waffles for breakfast on Saturday - and then ate the leftovers for lunch that day (not a good thing - but very yummy). Dinner that night was a PB & P sandwich. Sunday - I had a swiss cheese omlet and whole wheat toast for breakfast. Lunch was Renn Fest food (I had a steak on a stake, TWO Fi-fi's and some sugared nuts. Oh - and the obligitory Cheesecake on a stick.) That was dinner too. I don't think I ate anything else on Sunday.
Today I ate my sandwich for breakfast at 8am (Ham and Swiss on whole grain - it seemed more appealing than my cereal this morning). I ate my cereal for lunch - and am now thinking about heating up the acorn squash I brought with me.
Ugh--weekend overindulgence
Saturday was a busy day--lots of running around with the kids. Again, I can't remember what I ate most of the day! Connor and I shared a pack of Rolos when we were out in the afternoon, and I bought peanut-free candy corn for Claire, which of course she shared with me. Breakfast was just coffee, I think. And I can't remember lunch at all. Dinner was the sort of thing you don't want to eat when you're trying to lose weight--hot dog, baked potato, and applesauce. But I did take Davey on a three mile walk, which made up in part for the exercise I didn't do on Friday.
Sunday was a total day of indulgence--my food for the day was a breakfast bar, two cups of coffee, a handful of candy corn, three Girl Scout cookies, fish and chips at the Ren Fest (spontaneous last-minute trip, and I ate spontaneously as well), a Fi-Fi (if you don't know, don't ask), root beer float, piece of pizza for dinner, a beer, two more Girl Scout cookies, and four or five "Texas-sized" jelly beans (which taste better than you'd imagine). Oh, and a bunch of cinnamon-sugar almonds. So unless you count the tomato sauce on the pizza, I didn't eat one fruit or vegetable all day!
Surprisingly, my weight this morning was still 133.6, which it was when I last weighed myself on Thursday (I forgot to weigh myself on Friday and on Saturday and Sunday I chose not to weigh myself!), but yesterday's food should catch up with me tomorrow. Yuck. Maybe Brian's stomach bug (he was sick as a dog all day Saturday) will hit me so I'll have a good weight tomorrow! Ummm, maybe not. I'd rather see a bad weight and have to lose it the old fashioned way.
Friday, October 20, 2006
A post to show I'm still hanging around
Back to the sewing machine. I'm going to have to accept that I'm a little fatter than I was in the spring, and I'll work on it in November. Sigh.
I live in fear
I walked on the treadmill again last night for 42 minutes (the length of an episode of Gray's Anatomy). I was sweating like crazy again when I was done. Katie was smart an opened a window in that room - but it didn't do a lot of good. The treadmill has a fan built it - which I thought was silly when I first saw it - but now think is a good idea. It is awfully nice having the treadmill RIGHT THERE in my own house. I just wish it was possible to walk it in my pajamas and barefeet (which I suppose I could, but it wouldn't be very comfortable). Each day yesterday and today I woke up wanting to walk - however, a workout takes quite a time committment (an hour at least if you figure in changing and then showering afterwards) and I am not quite mentally to the point of getting up at 5:30am just to exercise!
Food yesterday was OK. I stuck to what was packed in my lunch, which was all healthy stuff. Dinner last night was salads from Wegmans and VERY SMALL pieces of quiche. I got Ginger-Os from Wegmans also - which are like Oreo cookies, but made with ginger snaps. I ate four last night. Two were with dinner (dessert) and then two were my reward for working out... which kind of defeated the point of working out. Oh well.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
I just spent the past 15 minutes filling in my calendar with Kristy with all of our "dinners out" for the next couple of months. I have to learn how NOT to eat the yummy stuff at restaurants. Sigh.
Today I had clam chowder with whole grain toast for lunch. I had Kashi with milk for breakfast - and these both happened between 1:45 and 2:00 this afternoon. I am about to drink my V8 now.
I got my flu shot today too. I hope that doesn't prevent me from exercising - because I intend to anyway! 8-) Wouldn't it be a good excuse though. Of course, a little stick in the arm (which surprisingly aches afterwards) isn't like giving a pint of blood. Oh well.
Katie and I went to Bonefish last night for the first time in MONTHS. I have been craving salads since I had the great one from Wegmans on Tuesday. I got one from Grauls yesterday - and then last night I wanted one from Bonefish. WHY is it that purchased salads taste so much better than one I would make on my own??? I am going to Wegmans again to get another one for dinner tonight. I must be seriously Vitamin C deprived - or just plain old dehydrated - and my body has decided that lettuce is what I need.
I was fat again this morning - 215.2. I think I should just start smoking again. I don't really WANT to - but I am seeing the affects. I was bad this past weekend - but not 5-6 pounds bad - and I have been no worse this week than the past couple of months. I ATE TWO SALADS yesterday - AND WORKED OUT!!! This jump was bigger than the one I saw after the cruise. Hummmm. I really home the doctor can shed some light on my issues. Although, since my weight jump WAS so big after the no smoking really registerd this time, I think that it is some indication that my metabolism is wonky. I don't know if there is anything that can be done about that though.
Mmmmmm, pears are in season!
Yesterday I had to really force myself to go to the gym. I was up at 3:47 a.m. with Connor (why do I always look at the clock as soon as my eyes are open? And why do I always remember the exact time?) so it was a long, tiring day and at 3:00 p.m. the last thing I wanted to do was run three miles. But I did it anyway.
My food, however, wasn't the best. We were out of yogurt, so I threw in some leftover risotto for lunch, which is much more than I normally eat at lunch, and then while grocery shopping (for yogurt of course) after work, I got a candy bar. And then Brian made mesquite chicken pizza for dinner, so that wasn't the healthiest choice. And I bought some of the caramel flavored Oreo cookies while shopping (NEVER shop when you're hungry!) and ate four of them in the evening. 133.8 this morning. No surprise!
Amy--good for you on the treadmill! It'll kick your butt a few times before you get back into the habit, but you'll get back to your former level quickly. Or at least that's what happened to me when I started running again after not going at all for more than a month.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Maybe because
I did a 42-ish minute walk. Long enough to watch an episode of Gray's Anatomy. I did it at a 5 incline (I do 6 at the gym) and at 2.8 mph (normally I do 3 or more for an incline walk). I was sweating like crazy by the time I was done, my heart rate was registering at 165 (I don't know how accurate that was) and I was a little bit staggery and dizzy. I feel great now though. Smug because I finally worked out!
I had cottage cheese and coffee for breakfast. I am going to eat lunch now - and then I have to go into work for an hour or so... ugh.
Catching up
My treadmill...ProForm something or another. I first would walk and watch Friends (one episode was great at first, then I moved up to 2 episodes) and I eventaully tried Health magazine's walk to run program and I would say I am somewhere in the middle of that although given my lack of exercise lately I will probably not be able to pick up exactly where I left off. I have to have music for running. TV is too slow paced. I have developed an odd taste for hip hop and DJ mixes as a result of wanting to run. There are some great podcasts that you can download, some of which are free and change every week.
So my skin...I have NO IDEA what has it freaked out. Well, that's a lie really. It is stress. So I augment my usual Oil of Olay vitamins with their healthy skin pack. So I start my day with 6 pills of whatever nutrients they think are good for my skin in hopes of finding a balance again. Middle school health teachers are total liars...the pimple/break out situation gets WORSE as you grow up, not better.
The cupcake company--that place is so awesome. It is on E Fort Ave in the city. The icing is the lightest buttercream ever on earth and I could just slather it all over my body. Diet or no diet, next time I know I'll be seeing you all I'm bringing one for each of you. It's the sort of thing where if you are going to indulge, it is definitely doing it right. Don't waste calories on unfulfilling junk--this cupcake was fabulous. I was so happy after I ate it and I didn't even want another. It totally made my day yesterday. Mine was cookies and cream. The cake was the cookies and cream part, and it had chocolate buttercream with crumbled cookies on it. I am even smiling as I type about it...residual positive effects even the next day!
We could all be cover models!
Early in the morning
Julie - I never heard what kind you bought. I know you use it all the time, so I was just curious. I hope I can stay as motivated as you have been.
OH - My weight this moring was 213.8. I really need some blueberries. 8-)
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Up, up, up!
I haven't been getting much exercise of late, as noted, and with our schedule the next few weeks (a potential trip to Williamsburg at the end of this week, a trip to Alabama for the whole next week, and three Halloween costumes to make in the meantime) there doesn't seem to be much point until November. I hope that we'll get a chance to go for jogs in Alabamaville, though; it's easier to get exercise there than at home.
Lemonade Diet
Anyone with me? ;-)
Today I detoured from my diet (again). I had my whole wheat Kashi cereal with 2% milk (the store was out of skim Lataid milk, except as half gallons, but the whole gallon is only $1 more than the half...) I have been drinking coffee with the same milk all day. Then for lunch I had left over sushi - really NON fattening sushi. Four pieces were plain salmon, and four were spicy tuna (which is just raw tuna with spices squished in) . It wasn't my favorite sushi. I also ate half of an acorn squash left over from dinner last night. Then I had a bag of chips. That was my big detour. 300 calories wasted! Then I had a lunch meeting (actually the meeting happened first) where we were bagging up Halloween candy for the folks in the DC. I ate one mini Baby Ruth and one mini Skittles - which is actually amazing considering I was SURROUNDED by hundreds of pieces of candy. So I am not too mad at myself for that. I will probably drink my V-8 before the end of the day. I don't know what we are having for dinner tonight either. Since we have started this diet I have really gotten into the habit of eating the bulk of my food during the day. I used to snack all evening at home - beginning from the time I got home until I went to bed. Now that Katie and I eat actual dinners, I eat much less afterwards - if at all. Fat lot of good that has done me!
I'm hungry!
Down one pound
This is the worst weigh in day EVER!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Fat, fat, fat. UGH!
But LOOK! I'm a cowboy. Howdy, Howdy, Howdy!
I was 214.4 today. So I am now just ONE POUND away from my starting weight. I am really much more motivated by that number than I was by the 208.4 that I have been seeing. I ate a salad for lunch today. I was actually WANTING a salad after all of the non salad food I have been having lately. I got it from Wegmans and it was very good.
I am supposed to be getting my treadmill delivered on Wednesday. I have been having this dilemna over where to put it. I think I am going to put it in the sewing room. That way Katie and Laura can access it without feeling like they are disturbing me. I think I will also move my little TV in that room too - so we CAN watch TV at the same time. We really don't use the sewing room much for anything - so I think this is the best decision. SO - when I DO want to sew or wrap presents, I can just fold up the treadmill to do it.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
The T-shirt they gave me was a kids' medium instead of an adult medium. I've gotten smaller but not THAT small!
Mom did the mile walk with the kids, and Dad went out with her. Then he did the 5k as well! He walked it and ended up taking 52 minutes, when he'd hoped for 45, but I was impressed that he did it at all. Yesterday he and Mom went out on a 4.5 mile walk, so he's been getting more exercise than any of us. I only walked as far as Kroger yesterday -- 1/2 mile total.
This morning I've had a half bagel and cream cheese (full fat) and a half a banana and a couple of ounces of Gatorade with what looked like bits of leaves in it. I really wanted water but I would have felt rude refusing it! Yesterday we had roast chicken and apple-walnut-herb stuffing and mashed potatoes and gravy and green beans and salad with caesar dressing and a glass of wine for dinner. But I ate small portions of everything and didn't feel like I was going to explode. Only then we went out to Coldstone (had to use my birthday coupon and Mom's, too) and I ate a Love It size almost all gone so then I felt like I was going to explode. And tonight we're having veal scaloppine and wine and pecan pie for dinner, which is going to make me explode again. At least I've hardly been snacking this week -- I have really been too busy.
Now I have a baseline number to try to beat on future 5k's. So next year I can only be happy if I'm under 29.
I'm still freezing. Time to go put on warm clothes!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Yesterday and today
Food has been the same as usual, although with a total lack of vegetables yesterday. On Tuesday we had bean and pasta stew for dinner, and yesterday it was chicken with noodles and gravy (leftovers from Sunday) and all my vegetable attempts were thwarted--no fresh veggies except carrots and we're sick of those, so I pulled out a frozen mix but they were frozen solid and freezer burned (Claire left the freezer open a crack a couple of months ago, and ever since then we keep finding things that thawed and refroze that are inedible), so those got trashed, so I decided to make a salad and the lettuce was all brown and gross in the center. Yuck. So no vegetables with dinner. Although, now that I think about it, I did really well with veggies at lunch. I had a lunch meeting and ordered a cajun chicken wrap, steamed oriental veggies, and french fries. So I did eat half of the french fries (they were really good!) but also had the steamed vegetables and the veggies on the wrap (only ate half the wrap, though).
So I guess I haven't been completely overeating, but I've certainly been eating enough that it's understandable that my weight is staying the same. I really need to cut down to 1200 to 1300 calories a day again to really lose weight. I just hate doing that!
Tonight is the Brownies induction/awards ceremony. The Brownies are cooking for us. Yee-haw. I probably won't have too many difficulties keeping down the calorie count! I know one of the items they are making is soup. Each girl was asked to bring in a can of vegetables for this. Doesn't sound too yummy to me.
Oh, one good thing about hovering just around 135 is that all the "estimated calorie burn" charts you see in magazines for different activities are estimated for a woman who weighs 135, so at least those are accurate for a change!
Out for a (sluggish) run
Daniel and I are going to visit a gym before we buy any equipment -- that worked so well for us, and we enjoyed exercising together, and we liked having other options available to us. And I hate the idea of being stuck in my basement exercising, but I don't like the thought of having a bike in the office when the room is already so cluttered. There's no perfect option, of course.
Last night we went out to dinner and I got salmon with chipotle BBQ sauce, actually a very lean option. The heavy stuff was unappealing. I had a baked potato on the side and didn't eat much of that. But I ate a caesar salad (and quit after about a third of it) and two of the rolls (O'Charley's has very good rolls) and a piece of caramel pie (which was OK but not fabulous -- I think I'd rather eat my way through a bag of caramels!). And I drank a glass and a half of wine. But think how much worse the dinner would have been if I'd gotten the cajun alfredo stuff or something similar! I know, I'm reaching...
Today I'm eating normally. Yogurt and pretzels for lunch, my usual breakfast. I have had a few slices of my chocolate orange -- Daniel gave me two for my birthday, only two days late, and I've been eating them very slowly. Tonight we'll have sauerbraten meatballs and green beans and a salad for dinner but I'll probably cave and have dessert, because Mom and Dad like dessert and it would be just plain rude if I didn't offer it, right? ;-)
I am soooo never going to lose any more weight...
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
We have the money back from the gym -- did I mention that before? I'm in the market now for a recumbent bicycle. Not sure where I'll put it -- there would be a little room in the office or I could clean up the basement and we'd have room for two, probably. THEN I'll get some exercise. Really.
Food is not so good -- last night I had two pieces of pizza (but I chose small ones) and a breadstick (dripping with garlic butter) and a beer. Before that my day had been OK, though. Today I've had my usual breakfast, and for snacks I've had almonds (three rounds, which I try to set as my maximum), and for lunch I had yogurt and a breadstick and a caramel-chocolate cookie from a package that Mom and Dad brought. And one of Mary's Skittles, but only one so far!
This is ironic...
Harold R. "Hack" Spangler, 85, died peacefully at 5:05 a.m. Thursday, September 28, 2006, at the Hanover Hospital. He was the loving husband of Romaine E. (Sterner) Spangler, to whom he was married for 67 years. Born December 18, 1920, in Spring Grove, he was the son of the late Guy and Julia (Cline) Spangler. Mr. Spangler was a member of Zion United Church of Christ of Spring Grove but faithfully attended St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Broadway of Hanover for 70 years. He was also a member of the Benevolent Protective Order of the Elks 763, Hanover. Hack was a veteran of the United States Army, having served during World War II. He retired from Doubleday of Hanover, now known as Yes Solutions, after 37 years as a supervisor. Hack was a well known local craftsman, painter and artist. Reminders of his talents can be seen throughout the area. In addition to his loving wife, Romaine, Hack is survived by four daughters, Jeanne Bollinger and her husband ,Ron of Spring Grove, JoyceWentz and her husband, Larry of Hanover, Julie Spangler and her friend, Nance Darr of Lititz, and Jill Fissel and her friend, Dave Loss of McSherrystown; six grandchildren, Rodney Bollinger of Florida, Andy Bollinger of Texas, Brian Wentz of Shrewsbury, Troy Wentz of Hanover, Robin Powers of Virginia Beach, Va,. and Katie Angel of McSherrystown; nine great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild; and a sister, Geraldine Schuman and her husband, Richard of Hanover. He was preceded in death by a sister, Laura "Honey" Groft. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Monday, October 2, 2006, at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, 1214 Broadway, Hanover, with the Rev. David L. DeLong officiating. Burial will be in Rest Haven Cemetery, Hanover. The family will receive friends from 4 to 6 p.m. Sunday at the Kenworthy Funeral Home, Inc., 269 Frederick St., Hanover, and from 10 to 11 a.m. Monday at the church. The family suggests that contributions may be made in Harold's name to St.Paul's Lutheran Church, 1214 Broadway, Hanover, PA 17331. Published in the Evening Sun
So how weird is it that there's another chick out there with my name AND the fact that she's a lesbian? I wonder how many people I went to HS with are like "Man, I never knew!" Just FYI--this fellow isn't even related to my family.
Yesterday was Tuesday, wasn't it...
I have not been exercising because I am so consumed with school and work, and my eating hasn't been great but the quantity has been under control so I haven't paid the price in weight gain, I'm just not losing either.
I have been reading the blog, but I just don't have much to say right now. I will do better. That is my goal for this week.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Um, I forget!
I keep checking the blog but I don't post much -- I also have completely dropped off my October board. School is MUCH worse this year than it was last year, in terms of how much of my time it takes. And I thought driving to preschool took time!
This weekend I did aerobics on Saturday and went for a walk on Sunday, but yesterday and today I've been a lump. The 5k is this weekend and I am NOT in shape! Tomorrow I'm going to go running. For real.
My eating has been the same as ever -- not great but not terrible. Needs work.
Mom - I know you read the blog - POST! You are the one who was so motivated at the beach. Katie - Emily gave us instructions on receiving our blog posts via email - see if you can get that to work - or check it daily when you get home!!! Julie! You, of all the bloggers, I never expected to disappear. I know things are busy for you right now... but we would still like to hear from you!!!
OK - I had Chilis for lunch... a split order of Southwestern egg rolls, french fries, and part of a chicken caesar pita. NOW - I am drinking a Coke. I think I will blame all of you for my failings. I need the support!!!!
Where IS everyone?
My weight, frustratingly, was 134.2 this morning. .2 pounds down from last week. After all that exercise, all I lost was .2 pounds. Even worse, after being in the 131 to 133 range every single day all week except yesterday, my weigh-in day weight was pretty much no change. Ugh. See, maybe I should have gone with one of my higher weights last week so I could claim a loss this week! Oh, the other weird thing is that last Tuesday was the only day I got wildly different weights during the same weighing session. Ever since then, what I weight is what I weight with no fluctuation. Today I even weighed the same before and after my shower.
Up - but not too badly
Last night Katie and I made pumpkin beads. We saw some at the bead fest and thought that we could do that - so we did. They turned out pretty cute, but I have the need to perfect the technique now.
I am leaving for San Antonio on Thursday. I am very annoyed because we had a plan to all go together from TESSCO to the airport, and then find our own ways home on Sunday - the idea being it is easier to hitch a ride on Sunday than on Thursday mid morning (my flight leaves at 11:15). Anyway - NOW, two of the other people made plans together leaving the other two of us high and dry. I guess I COULD drive and leave my car in long term parking - but I hate to do that for multiple reasons - mostly because it is hard to predict the travel time of getting TO the airport. Kristy is at a seminar on Thursday morning - otherwise I would get her to drive me. I need some ideas. GRRRRR.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Exercise on the weekend was only walking Davey, but after working out each day last week I was o.k. with taking the weekend off, although after overeating both days I probably *should* have run a 10K each day!
I thought about doing yoga last night - but instead I watched 5 episodes of Gilmore Girls. I read bad reviews about season 6, but so far I am enjoying it. I am now just under halfway in. I therefore didn't exercise at all this weekend - unless you count the several hours of wandering around the bead fest on Saturday... on a cement floor. My feet and legs were sore by the end - but I don't think it did me any good.
Food has been neutral. Katie hasn't been around much so I have been on my own a lot for food - which means I am back to my popcorn and soup meals. Not good. We did have chicken and aspargus risotto on Saturday for dinner. But I had a big bakery muffin for breakfast (on the road to Harrisburg) and Katie and I split a tuna wrap and pasta salad for lunch.
Yesterday I had a fried egg sandwich - BAD BAD I know - for "brunch" and then that BBQ chicken pizza for Linner. I stole some of Laura's Terrachips late last night and made Koolaid because I was dehydrated.
I have noticed the snacking instead of smoking syndrom. I find myself wandering around the house saying "what can I eat" when I would normally pop out and have a cigarette. I have to get some gum to see if that helps with the oral cravings. I don't know if it will becuase it isn't just oral - it is HAND to MOUTH thing-y. Sigh. I haven't slipped up yet - although I came close Friday night on my way home from work. Luckily Sarah called just when I was at the giving myself permission point.
Friday, October 06, 2006
I so didn't want to do that!
It doesn't take much
I ordered a treadmill - http://www.sears.com/sr/javasr/product.do?cat=Fitness&pid=00624645000&vertical=FIT&subcat=Treadmills&BV_UseBVCookie=Yes
I don't know if that link works - but I tried it out yesterday - along with a few others - and I liked it fine. It is being delivered, Wednesday 10/18. I have to re-arrange my whole house between now and then. Sigh. Actually I would like to re-arrange my whole bedroom. I have been thinking that for a while. Maybe I can do it in between the trip to San Antonio, the Bead Fest this weekend, working next Wednesday, and stuff. Surrrrrrrrrre. I can do that!
My weight was up again this morning. I was 211.2. Sigh. The last time I quit smoking I gained 8 pounds and kept them. I was at MY LOWEST POINT and then I quit and went up to the 208-210 range and have held pretty steady there ever since.
I haven't been working at this in several months. Ever since I talked to my doctor about my non-weight loss... or maybe even before that - I had mentally given up. I still try to eat well, and to not over eat, but I am not practicing the strict diet I had been for the first six to nine months of this diet. And - while my exercise is WAY better than it was a year ago, I am sporadic at best. I usually try to get a FEW exercise sessions in - maybe two a week - sometimes more, sometimes less - but consistently, I am bad. I really wanted to be VERY GOOD leading up to the doctors appointment (which is on Nov 1st) but so far I haven't been.
Quitting smoking HAS caused some issues, I have found myself craving salty snack foods, and giving in to those cravings... I just ate some Smartfood popcorn instead of my V-8 or cottage cheese. I do know that nicotine DOES aid your metabolism, and ironically maybe, my string of ongoing weight gain over the past several years, stalled at the 210 point JUST when I started smoking. Coincidence? I think not! Or maybe it is... what do I know?
I expected a weight correction this morning
Yesterday--boring. Pilates in the evening, so as long as I get to the gym today I've met my goal for exercise for the week. Breakfast and lunch were the same as always, but while shopping during my lunch break, I indulged in a Chocolixir at Godiava. Has anyone heard of these? I don't even know what's in it. It's a frozen blended chocolate drink. I got "dark chocolate decadence" and when they asked me if I wanted whipped cream on it, of course I said yes. I tried looking up the nutritional information later but couldn't find anything. Lots of calories, I know that. But isn't dark chocolate full of antioxidants and stuff? So it's good for me? Maybe? Anyway, that kept me full all afternoon. I ate some raisins late in the afternoon, then dinner was half a broiled chicken breast, noodles, and zucchini. And I don't think I ate anything after that. How amazing is that?
I hope you feel better soon, Emily!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Feeling rotten
Wednesday was worse in terms of unnecessary calories -- we did eat at the Mean Bean for lunch, which mean bean and spinach burritos and not that much cheese, though they're huge, but I had lemonade to drink with lunch -- totally empty calories. And for dinner we went to a Japanese steakhouse, which guarantees way too much food -- I probably had my whole day's calories in that one meal. On Wednesday my exercise was suspect, too; we went to a park to walk around and the kids and I were all on foot, so I had to go mostly at their pace, which meant a lot of stopping to throw things in water and watch the ducks. Fun but not terribly aerobic. I was holding Cecilia in my arms for most of it, so at least it required a little more effort than watching TV. And it helped me shake the last of the hangover, but by then it was clear I was coming down with something and wasn't just hungover.
Today I woke up with a raging sore throat and a headache that got worse as the day went on, until we finally got home around 4 and I could dig out the ibuprofin, which helped with both the headache and the sore throat. But feeling so terrible meant I had no exercise whatsoever, not even the lame walking of yesterday or the lame dancing around the room of Tuesday. And food was appalling -- I had three (!!) Krispy Kreme donuts for breakfast (Hot Doughnuts Now -- we don't have a real place here, just grocery store boxes of them, and it's not the same), a Chick-fil-a Caesar Cool Wrap for lunch (with only about half the dressing, and I had water to drink) and a couple of barbecue chicken strips, and two small slices of margarined french bread, for dinner around 9:00 when I realized I'd forgotten to eat dinner. What a weird day. I also had snacks of pretzels and goldfish today, but not a huge number of either.
Tomorrow I hope to find time to exercise, but Daniel's schedule has suddenly become alarmingly crowded for the next week, so it's either going to be walking or dancing around to the iPod (Sarah, it's a 4GB Nano, in silver, with my name engraved) again, and not running, as I'd hoped. I also have some Stampin' Up tomorrow night (just a regular activity night, nothing that brings in business) which means the schedule will definitely be tight. But now that we're home I can at least hope to eat reasonably well.
I've decided to buy only Skittles and Gummy Savers for Halloween. They are the kids' favorite, and they're fat free, and I don't eat myself sick on them.
And Another Thing
I'm here too!
I want to pull EVERY crumb of paper crafting stuff out of my room(s), put it in a big pile in the living room and sort through it all. Can Connor come over to help? Just kidding. 8-) I do want to do that though. I think I want to start that tonight, so it will be underway by the weekend - so I won't avoid doing it JUST because we are going to a bead making convention on Saturday.
I ate grapes.
Yesterday after running a bazillion miles and eating a mere 130 calories of junk food instead of 150 calories of yogurt, I came home starving and did NOT eat cookies. I took a bunch of grapes with me to Claire's swimming lesson (hard to pig out when you aren't at home) and had them tide me over until dinner (ravioli again). I had one cookie for dessert, walked Davey two miles, then came home and shared a bag of popcorn with Brian. All in all, not a bad day.
This morning I was 132.2, but I doubt that will hold! No one loses over two pounds in two days for real! I suspect it was mostly water weight I lost from sweating so much yesterday. I stayed hydrated well enough, but probably didn't take in as much as I lost.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
I'm so irritated with myself!
Speaking of which, I came back from the gym, went to deliver some stuff to a woman in another office, and came away with two Kisses and a bag (80 calories) of potato chips. They are gone now. I'm telling myself this is o.k. because it's actually fewer calories than the yogurt I had planned to eat, but let's not discuss nutritional value, o.k.?
I was looking - more actively this time - at treadmills again. Julie - what kind did you get? I am looking at the Proform 550s from Sears. I think I can make it fit in my bed room - or even the sewing room if Katie prefers that - with only having to get rid of one junky dresser (that I use to store fabric scraps - EXPENDABLE!) I think if I use it three days a week for a year I will be ahead of where I am now with my gym membership. If Katie ALSO uses it, it is even a better deal! It is currently on sale throug Oct 7th, but I don't know if I will have the money for it by then. I don't know...
Why isn't today weigh-in day?
My goal this week is to exercise every weekday. I ran on Monday, did pilates yesterday, and have all my junk to get to the gym again today. Once I get into the habit, it's not so difficult to make myself do this stuff.
Yesterday I had lunch with an old college friend who has taken up participating in triathlons, so I asked her how she got into it. She started four years ago after giving birth to twins (babies four and five) and like us was just out of shape, overweight, and unhappy about that. So she started a walking program with the goal of building up to running. It took her a year till she could run the whole way. Then she did a "next step" program working on increasing her distance, and once she was finished with that she started participating in competitive runs, then joined a relay team for a triathlon, doing the running portion. And from there she just challenged herself to do all three stages. It was really motivating to talk to her--here she is with five kids and a PT job (she teaches at the college here) and SHE manages to find time to exercise/train regularly, so I should have no excuses.
Food yesterday wasn't stellar. Cereal for breakfast, almonds mid-morning, salad, pretzles, and cottage cheese and fruit for lunch, raisins right after lunch because I was still hungry, and then a muffin in the afternoon because I was *really* hungry and it was sitting around (that was about 240 calories I didn't really need), four (yikes!) chocolate chip cookies after work because I was still really hungry, chicken and dumplings for dinner (tiny serving because I thought it was gross--too watery and too many onions), and grapes for an evening snack. At least that was a healthy choice. Has *anyone* figured out a good way to deal with that time of day between work and dinner when you are starving and just need to eat whatever you can find as quickly as possible? That's always when I overeat junk.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
The power of peer pressure
My weight was 139.5 today -- nothing great, but still below the awfulness of 140. (Funny that 140 is awful -- at the beginning of the year it would have been fabulous.) We have our St. Mary's Light the Fire 5k next Saturday, so I need to keep working out over the next week and a half or I'll make a very sorry showing. Daniel's in better shape -- he's down to about 28 minutes for the run. Mine was over 32, I think, when just a few months ago I was also around 28! I think most of it's mental.
I didn't do myself any favors tonight at the dinner. I had three glasses of wine and my teeny salad had a lot of dressing. But I didn't really overdo the rest of the food, so it could have been worse. I had a Frescatta for lunch (turkey sandwich with basil pesto, probably not low-fat, but way better than cheeseburger and fries) and a cereal bar for breakfast, and for snacks I had goldfish crackers, a handful of pretzels, three or four graham cracker squares (car food for the kids), a peppermint, and a couple of slices of chocolate orange. And some coffee -- isn't black coffee negative calories? I don't normally do caffeine so for me it probably is. So my eating is not fabulous.
Tomorrow we'll still be in Athens so I'll try to get some more walking in. I should try to go running but I didn't bring my running shorts, figuring that I'd be lucky to get Daniel away from the CCQC for long enough anyway. It will be restaurant food all day tomorrow, so I'd really better walk everywhere. No forward progress of late, but at least it's not totally backwards.
You get your pick of weights today
Anyway, even the 134.4 is disappointing. I exercised almost as much last week as I ever did at any point this year (went to the gym three times including yesterday, walked quite a bit on other days, but only did pilates once) and although I didn't eat as little as I used to, I only ate in moderation each day and didn't snack mindlessly any day. My only day of indulgence was Sunday at the Ren Fest where I had three drinks, a cheesecake onna stick, two pieces of fried cheese, and half an order of french fries. But that was pretty much ALL I had that day--coffee in the morning and three ravioli for dinner and nothing else. Sigh.
But what else can I do but stick with it? It's not like 134.4 is a horrible weight at all; I just like it closer to 130! I did notice this past week that getting to the gym is getting a little easier mentally. It's hard to re-start a habit, but by yesterday I didn't even hesitate or consider other options--I just picked up my bag and walked over there in the afternoon. And I'm increasing my speed, which is good. Still not at all what I'd like it to be, but I can hold steady at 5.3 to 5.5 m.p.h. for about 20 minutes.
Holding Steady
I exercised last night. I actually only did one round of my work out because the exercise ball (that Katie very kindly inflated for me last night) is a little bit too squishy for me - and so I was not getting a great workout - and I will need to inflate it more tonight. I did extra crunches though.
I think my knees are shot. I thought it was funny that the trainer was so impressed by my noisy knees, but since then (last Wednesday) I have noticed that the grinding noise in my knees HAS gotten worse in the past year or so, and there IS pain - just not constant pain (usually when I stand or sit there is a twinge at first) so I tend to ignore it. I officially hate getting old!