Thursday, June 30, 2011
One good day
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
The view's no better from here
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Sleeveless? Really?
- Get enough sleep. (Nice start. I missed bedtime by 90 minutes already.)
- Exercise EVERY DAY. No excuses.
- Start an arm training workout. (Anyone have any good links for this? I haven't found one I like yet.)
- Continue the ab workout I did ONCE a couple of weeks ago. Among other things, I tried a plank for the first time. It was humiliating.
- Count calories. I hate this, but it's the only thing that works for me.
- Get on my overpriced bike at least twice a week. (Not really overpriced. Underused for the price, though.) I WILL find a way to do this. If sleep-deprived Sarah can get up at 5, so I can I. But not tonight, because it's already almost 11:30.
Day 2
I went to bed at 10:00 last night. Everyone else was still up, and I sat there for most of an hour before falling asleep, but I wanted to get to bed that early so that I could get up at 5 a.m. for a bike ride. Turns out it's too dark at 5 a.m. to ride without lights, and I hadn't charged my lights, so I didn't go out until 5:30. So it was also a shorter ride than I had hoped--not even nine miles. I was hoping to manage 12 - 15 miles in the mornings a few days a week with longer rides on the weekends, so I guess I'll have to keep my lights charged and get used to riding in the dark.
I dropped nearly two pounds overnight. This is some diet! Not really--yesterday morning I could barely get my rings on, I was so puffy. Then I remembered that on Sunday I ate bacon for brunch, ham for dinner, and finished the day with beer and popcorn, so I was retaining water like a water balloon. I was 146 this morning (which, admittedly, still isn't great, but isn't as alarming either).
Monday, June 27, 2011
Game On!
So here's the deal with this game--we have four teams of three to five people each and every day we're working on lots of fitness and diet and healthy lifestyle goals. We get points for successfuly completion of our daily goals, and lose points for various infractions.
- Diet: five small meals a day (each consisting of a lean protein, high quality carb, and healthy fat; at least two vegetable servings a day, unlimited greens with any meal, and 100 free calories a day, which, as it turns out, can be any damn thing you want). You get one free meal a week, and one free day a week where you don't have to follow any of the rules.
- Exercise: six days a week, at least 20 minutes each time, enough exercise to get your heart pounding for those 20 minutes (so pilates doesn't count for me, but you can do an interval workout that alternates aerobic exercise with fast weight work to keep your heart rate up).
- Water: Three liters a day, no flavoring added except things like lemon or cucumber slices. Herbal tea counts, regular tea or coffee doesn't.
- Good habit: take up one good daily habit (I'll be making sure to take my vitamin each day)
- Bad habit: eliminate one bad habit (I'm giving up mindless internet surfing in the evenings)
- Sleep: Seven hours a night.
- Communication: Each day you should be in contact with one team member and one member of an opposite team.
You also get bonus points for reporting your weekly results on time and you get a 20% bonus for reaching your fitness or weight loss goal each week (at the start you have to say if you're going for a fitness or weight loss goal; if weight loss, the goal has to be losing 1% of your weight each week. I was going to do a fitness goal until I weighed myself this morning--147.8!!!! So I'm focusing on weight loss!).
You lose points for snacking (10 points per penalty; given that you only earn six points per healthy meal, that's a lot to lose!), collusion (if you try to convince a member of an opposite team to cheat along with you so your lost points balance out), for obsessively weighing yourself (once a day is allowed, but if you weigh in more often, you lose a point for each time you weigh yourself), and for drinking alcohol (except on your day off).
At the end of each week, you total up your team's points and average them. The cumulative total at the end of the four week game is what determines the winning team. We've all put in $15 per person, with the winning team getting the full pot at the end.
I'm not the most competitive person in the world, but I'm VERY good at following rules, so I like this approach. The diet requirements border on the obsessive, so I might have some trouble with that (I've never liked the sorts of diets where you can have certain types of food at certain points in the day but not at other points and only in the first two weeks of the diet, blah, blah, blah). And sleep will be a problem--last night Connor had me up until 2 a.m. Fun.
I've already had to face multiple temptations today--I made pancakes for breakfast but couldn't eat any of them, then I came in to work where someone brought in the leftovers from her party this weekend, so there are deviled eggs, cookies, and chocolate covered strawberries all over the place. Tomorrow is our staff retreat, which includes breakfast and lunch eaten out. I might make tomorrow my day off to deal with that. Then next week is July 4 on Monday and a pool party on Saturday. The following week includes a division area retreat (again with lots of food). At least the game ends before Brian's birthday, so I don't have to worry about that.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
An interesting although not surprising study
I found this new study on eating. Interestingly I eat yogurt daily with fresh fruit, gave up all sodas three years ago and rarely eat fries -- although they are delicious.
If I work from home I do watch TV but don't snack -- I don't buy chips or candy or any kind of junk food for that matter. I should weigh 125. What is up with that. haha
Anyway, enjoy the study.
When it comes to keeping your weight down, a new study by Harvard researchers suggests that the quality of your food matters more than its calorie count.
Intuitively, we know that gorging on burgers and French fries and slurping down soda leads to more weight gain than eating fresh fruits, veggies and brown rice. But in the most comprehensive and detailed study of its kind, researchers have figured out exactly how much weight gain is associated with the consumption of certain foods.
The worst offenders were potato chips, which led to more weight gain per serving than any other food, the study found. The best nosh for your waistline? Surprisingly, yogurt.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
The way it should be
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Only 5 posts? Seriously?
Be Prepared... Good idea!
Pretty consistantly I come back from vacations weighing LESS than I did when I left (with the exception of the cruise Sarah and I went on - I was at the bottom of my lose 12 pounds/gain 20 cycle - which I hadn't yet identified...). I think that is because when I travel I eat WAY more regularly (even if more!). I am generally more active too - duh!
So - Spain in July - July 15-24 to be precise. I intend to drink sangria and eat paella without remorse!!
THEN - Come August 1st I am starting my own personal Game-On Diet challenge!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Stess and Excitement!
Regarding food while we're over there (I've never been)...our plan is to enjoy the large breakfast at the B&Bs where we'll be staying. Then have a late lunch/early dinner then a snack (of some sort). With all the walking we'll be doing, I'm sure I can't do TOO BAD. It isn't like we're going to the beach where the entire trip is centered around food and Dumsers :)
Next week on Tuesday, I'll be in Galway :)
Hope everyone has a great couple of weeks...I won't be back online until probably July 1st. We don't get back until the 29th.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
No power = no weighing
I haven't been exercising or eating right AT ALL for the past week or so. That means my weight is probably down. I seem to do the opposite of what I am supposed to. OTOH - I have gotten a lot of knitting done and have watched most of five seasons of Doctor Who.
Here I am!
Now it's four weeks later, I'm up to 143.8, which I consider a bit of a victory because I'm not even pretending to eat well, still not exercising, had Connor at the immunologist yesterday and his lymph nodes are still enlarged (for anyone keeping track, this started a year ago March, and actually probably started sometime before that with symptoms we couldn't see) and just for fun he's also been battling some stomach bug for a week and a half and he's been throwing up every night, so we also get to collect a stool sample because the doctor suspects it might be bacterial and not viral (which would also explain why I didn't get this since I just don't seem to get bacterial infections).
Also in the last four weeks: end of the year with Scouts and school, starting plans for the 4th of July parade float (why did I volunteer for that one?), joining the national trip group (scouts planning a trip for next summer), dealing with car issues (stranded twice in the past two weeks), dealing with appliance issues (oven broke; didn't realize how much I relied on it until it was dead), and developing a geeky obsession with Doctor Who.
None of that has anything to do with healthy living, except tangentially. Getting stranded a mile from home meant I walked two miles that day (the next time, four miles from home with scouts starting in an hour I called Katie for rescue!) so that's something, right? Geeky Doctor Who obsession leads to lots of sitting on my butt watching television, though.
But next week I'm starting a competitive healthy living program. Seriously. At work we're starting teams to "play" Game On, which seems to be based loosely on the Body for Life diet and exercise plan, with extra healthy living bits thrown in (focus on getting more sleep, reducing bad habits, starting healthy habits). You get daily points for meeting minimum standards for diet, exercise, sleep, healthy habits, and some other things. Your team's average points are tracked, and after four weeks the team with the most points wins a prearranged prize (we're all putting in money; this seems like a more sensible use of money than a football pool to me).
Thursday, June 09, 2011
Where have we all been?!?
Hope all is well!!!